Velocityrgb/dvi System - 10
The Velocityrgb/dvi System - 10 permits the placement of a monitor or projector from just a few meters up to 40 kilometers away from the controlling computer without loss of resolution. In addition to this standout capability and performance, the Velocity rgb/dvi System - 10 product line merges audio and serial technologies for A/V applications. This product gives users an audio and serial port, which supports bi-directional stereo analog audio and RS-232 (two fibers required). Powered by Thinklogical's cutting edge, patent-pending MRTS (Multi Rate Transmission System) technology, this digital video extension system transports every frame of a video stream seamlessly, with no compression, or dropped frames. Leveraging standard SFP+ transceivers, the system allows for the usage of either multi-mode or single-mode fiber optic cable.