Flexiva VMQuadra™
An elegant interface between Flexiva VistaMax™ digital studio networks and automation computers, the Flexiva VMQuadra™ interface tackles a number of key issues — having a large number of audio channels at each automation computer, the distribution of the computers throughout the facility and the need for bidirectional logic control.
With the majority of automation system workstations connected to central servers, the Flexiva VMQuadra interface was designed to reside near the server and provide interconnection with up to four computers. Along with the elimination of costly sound and logic interface cards in automation computers, the Flexiva VMQuadra solution results in simpler, more economical facilities.
With its additional ability to interface with nearly every computer, the Flexiva VMQuadra interface is an ideal foundation for new media workflows in the studio. Every desktop and portable computer supporting USB audio, whether running Windows, Mac OS, or Linux, can be connected to your Flexiva VistaMax network.